The right to a jury trial is fundamentally guaranteed by the Constitutions of the United States and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Included in this right is the corresponding duty of men and women of sound judgment to serve as jurors. Without the participation of each of us, this very basic right would be diminished, depriving all of us of its benefits and protection.
The Office of Jury Management is responsible for qualifying and summoning approximately 30,000 citizens of Allegheny County annually for jury service. Individuals are randomly selected from a combined list of voter registration rolls and licensed drivers. As the needs of the Court require, jurors are summoned to appear for specific service dates and times.
The role of a juror is extremely important in our democratic form of government. Participation by all qualified citizens ensures the people, and not the government, are the arbiters of disputes where the freedom of the accused or the property rights of any citizen is at issue. By serving when called, jurors fulfill a vital service to the community and to fellow citizens.
The Court understands the potential for inconvenience that jury service may cause. It is our policy to provide prospective jurors with a minimum four weeks advance notice of their service date. Jurors may email the Office of Jury Management with questions.
Thank you for your participation.