Divorce pleadings are filed at Allegheny County Department of Court Records, (not the Allegheny County Family Division). Consult https://dcr.alleghenycounty.us/ for hours and fees.
Economic claims relevant to a divorce may be initially addressed by the judge assigned to the case. A conciliation should be requested in accordance with the judge’s standard operating procedures. Divorce Hearing Officers may be assigned by the judge.
Parties, by consent, may praecipe the Docket Clerk to request a conciliation be conducted by the Divorce Hearing Officer. Link to form: Consent Praecipe for a Divorce Hearing Officer’s Conciliation.
The Court shall continue to review and grant divorces, administratively, when all required documents are filed with the Department of Court Records. For questions regarding divorce procedures, email: alleghenycountydivorcedepartment@pacses.com. Please allow seven (7) business days for a response.
Self-represented/pro se litigants can seek assistance regarding family legal matters through the Legal Services Clinic that is staffed by Thomas R. Kline School of Law of Duquesne University and University of Pittsburgh School of Law. The staff there may be able to provide limited legal services for free if you qualify. For more information Click Here