Pursuant to the Public Access Policy of the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania and local court order, the Fifth Judicial District allows access by the public to court records. Fees are assessed by the court to the requestor for this service.
Because court space to view records is limited, as is staff time to pull and refile records, it is vital the court knows exactly what a requestor wishes to view. The court can then determine the best way to accommodate the request for access and provide the requestor with a cost estimate. Since custody of court records must be maintained by the court, the Fees for Viewing Records in a Magisterial District Court sets forth constable expenses that will be incurred during the viewing and copying process.
Individuals requesting bulk record access should complete a Bulk Public Access Request and submit the request to the appropriate court. The court will return the request form to the requestor informing him/her of an appointment date/time, what cases will be available for viewing, an estimated staff cost, and an estimate of the time that will be incurred by a constable(s).