Policy Governing the Recording and Transcription of Preliminary Hearings
Notice is hereby given that effective September 6, 2007 and pursuant to the Court’s Order of June 19, 2007 at Administrative Docket No. 244 of 2007, the District court Administrator enacts the following policy, procedures, fee schedule and audio record retention schedule for all preliminary hearings, except those governed by All.C.R.Crim.P. 131.1, conducted at the Pittsburgh Municipal Court, 660 First Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219.
A. General Information
i. The FTR digital audio recording system shall be employed to record the proceedings of preliminary hearings.
ii. The Administrator of Pittsburgh Municipal Court, hereafter referred to as Administrator, shall be responsible for the overall operation and management of the FTR system and may assign or reassign staff necessary to provide for its efficient operation.
iii. The Administrator shall provide for the proper storage, safeguarding and retention of all recorded proceedings consistent with Section D.
iv. All recorded proceedings shall be available for both transcription and purchase of the electronic record as governed by Section C.
B. Transcripts of Proceedings
i. The Allegheny County Court Reporters Office is designated as the official transcription agency to transcribe all proceedings governed by this policy.
ii. Parties requesting a transcript must complete and submit a “Transcript Request Form” to the Administrator. Said forms shall be available in the courtrooms of the Pittsburgh Municipal Court and in offices designated by the Administrator.
iii. Upon receipt of a properly completed request form, the Administrator shall provide for the prompt transmission of the recorded proceedings to the Office of Court Reporters
iv. The Allegheny county court Reporters Office shall complete the requested transcript within thirty (30) days of receipt, unless an expedited transcript is requested. Daily transcripts of the proceedings cannot be accommodated.
C. Fees for Transcripts/Electronic Medium
i. Transcript fees shall be in accordance with Administrative Order No. 492 of 2005, effective October 27, 2005.
ii. The electronic medium of proceedings shall be available for purchase at the rate of $20.00 per CD-ROM disc. Parties requesting a CD-ROM should contact the Administrator directly.
D. Retention of Proceedings
i. All recorded proceedings shall be retained for a period or seven (7) years from the date of hearing.
ii. The Administrator shall provide for a safe environment for the storage and retention of the recorded proceedings.