Motions – Cozza (Room 320)
Judge Cozza will hear Motions at 10 AM in Courtroom 320.
Judge Cozza will hear Motions at 10 AM in Courtroom 320.
Judge Eaton will hear Motions at 2 PM in Courtroom 814 in the City-County Building.
Judge Sweeney will hear Motions at 2 PM in Courtroom 425.
Judge Middleman will hear Motions at 2 PM in Courtroom 425.
Judge Bubash will hear Motions at 2 PM in Courtroom 425.
Judge Henry-Taylor will hear Motions at 2 PM in Courtroom 712 in the City-County Building.
Judge Korbel will hear Motions at 2 PM in Courtroom 425.
Judge Sizemore will hear Motions at 9:30 AM in Courtroom 320.
Judge Costa will hear Motions at 2 PM in Courtroom 425.
Judge Eaton will hear Motions at 2 PM in Courtroom 814 in the City-County Building.