What is the Generations Program?
The Generations program is a two-part alternative dispute resolution process. All parties are required to participate in the Generations program each time a complaint/petition for custody is filed.
Step One: Education seminar. The Generations education class requirement can be completed by attending a 4 Hour Online Coparenting Education Program. Information about this program is on the scheduling order.
Step Two: Mediation session. The Generations mediation requirement will be conducted remotely, by TEAMS. Mediation is a confidential conversation with an impartial third party. The mediator can help parties have a discussion regarding their custody case. The main goal is giving the parties a chance at creating an agreement outside of the court process.
- Parties are required to contact the Custody Department via email at custodydepartment@alleghenycourts.us to ensure the mediator has the most up to date email address where the TEAMS invite is sent.
- You are NOT permitted to record the mediation session, nor are you permitted to have any children or third parties in attendance. You must be in a quiet place, free of distractions, and present yourself in the same manner you would for an in-person Court appearance.
- Attorneys may NOT be present for your mediation session.
- If you have been a victim of domestic violence within the past twenty-four (24) months, you may waive out of the mediation session by filing a Domestic Violence Waiver. Please send a copy of your completed waiver to the Custody Department at custodydepartment@alleghenycourts.us or by mail to Family Law Center, Custody Department, 440 Ross Street, Suite 121, Pittsburgh, PA 15219.
What happens after I have completed Mediation?
If you and the other party agree to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at your mediation session, you may decide to turn the MOU into a final consent custody order. If you choose this option, all parties must email a copy of their MOU to mouscheduling@alleghenycourts.us and request to be scheduled to turn their MOU into a final consent custody order.
If you and the other party do not agree to an MOU that you turn into a consent custody order:
- If you do NOT have a current custody order on your case, then you will automatically be scheduled for an Interim Relief Hearing before the Custody Hearing Officer.
- If you DO have a current custody order on your case, you must decide if you wish to move forward in the court process. You have 120 days from the date of your mediation session to decide. If you want to move forward to the next step, you must contact the Court via email at custodydepartment@alleghenycourts.us to request scheduling of the next court event. Failure to do so will result in dismissal of your case after the 120 days has expired.
- Court staff will issue a scheduling order on your case per the above requirements. Carefully review your scheduling order for all information regarding the court event. Requirements may differ depending on the scheduled event and the court officer conducting the event. The information contained herein does NOT replace language, instructions, and your responsibilities contained in any scheduling order.
- Attorneys MAY be present at your conciliation or hearing with the Hearing Officer.