Pro Se Services/Motions
Self-represented/pro se litigants who choose to access the Court on their own behalf without an attorney and wish to submit a motion to the Court must do so through the Pro Se Motions Department.
Filing a Motion for Self-Represented Litigants
What is a motion?
A motion is a written request where a party is asking the Judge to decide outside of the normal custody process.
Who can file a motion?
Typically, either party may file a motion regarding their case. You must have a currently active case.
How do I file a motion?
You can obtain information on the following Department’s processes and hours of operations at the below links:
- Support: click here
- Divorce: click here
- PFAs: click here
- Custody: Self prepared Motions Drop Offs ONLY.
A COPY of your prepared motion must be dropped off at the Information Desk, 1st Floor Family Law Center in the drop off box labeled MOTIONS. You will receive correspondence from the Pro Se Motions Department regarding scheduling.
Further Information About Motions Court
The Court will typically hear motions from self-represented litigants at 9:30am or 1:00pm. This time is dependent on when your assigned Judge is scheduled. The Court starts Motions Court promptly at the scheduled time. You will appear in motions court to present your motion; the judge may ask you and the other party questions. Failure to appear at the time scheduled may result in the Motion being denied or granted without a party being present. In the event both parties fail to timely attend, the Court may refuse to hear a motion until it is presented at a future Motions Court date. Self-represented litigants are expected to follow all rules of court and shall comply with the Court’s Standard Operating Procedures. Self-represented litigants MUST fill out an Entry of Appearance as Self-Represented PartyI-16 in order to represent themselves in Motions Court.
Formatting of a Pro Se Motion
Your paperwork should include the following:
– Cover sheet;
– Motion;
– Proposed Order of Court;
– Any relevant court orders and/or relevant exhibits;
– PLEASE NOTE: Your Motion is going directly to the Judge. It is suggested that your motion be typed.
– Additionally, you are required to comply with the Public Access Policy. Confidential Information must be redacted from the original document by the filing party and included on a separate statewide Confidential Information Form (attached to this packet). The redacted, original document and a Confidential Information Form must be filed together. A Confidential Document Form shall accompany a filing where a confidential document is required by law, ordered by the court, or is otherwise necessary to effect the outlook of a matter. This form shall be accessible to the public, however, the documents attached shall not be publicly accessible, except as ordered by the court. Further information can be found at
Cover Sheet
The cover sheet should include your name (Petitioner), the other party’s name (Respondent), your case number, the title of your motion, and your contact information (address, phone number, and email)
Example of a Cover Sheet:
Within your Motion, you should explain the reason for your request and what you are asking the court to do.
Example of a Motion:
Proposed Order of Court
The proposed order of court is the request you would like the Judge to grant. You should write this as if you are the Judge, but do not date the order or sign as the Judge.
Example of a Proposed Order of Court: